Fibonacci in Elixir

Solving Fibonacci efficiently with Elixir

Yosi Pramajaya



Compute the n-th sequence in Fibonacci series.

Defining the solution in Math

In Math: f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)

Simple Solution

Applying the Math formula above, we will get:

defmodule Experiments do
def fib(0), do: 0
def fib(1), do: 1
def fib(n), do: fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

While it’s very simple, and mathematically correct, this won’t work because it will do so much unnecessary computation.

Better Solution

So how do we do that efficiently? There is a better solution, with time complexity O(n).

defmodule Experiments do    defp comp_fib(0), do: [0 | 0]
defp comp_fib(1), do: [1 | 0]
defp comp_fib(n) do
[h | t] = comp_fib(n-1)
[h+t | h]
def fib(n), do: hd(comp_fib(n))

Now it’s should be very fast. What I like from Elixir is that we don’t have maximum floating point value. So I can get the 50,000-th fibonacci number in less than a second.

In case you’re interested:

iex > Experiments.fib(50000)



Yosi Pramajaya
Yosi Pramajaya

Written by Yosi Pramajaya

Tech Lead, Cloud Architect, Machine Learning Practicioner

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